Waste Classification

What is Waste Classification?

Waste classification is a necessary activity to help protect our living environment, making it increasingly green and clean. Proper classification helps protect the health of every living organism on this planet.

Types of Waste

Currently, household waste is divided into 03 main types:
Organic waste consists of leftover food, meat, or various vegetables in daily meals.
Inorganic waste includes items that cannot be used or recycled, such as shells, eggshells, snail shells, rubber items, cups, bowls, glasses, broken glass bottles, wood stone, bricks, etc.
Recyclable waste is similar to inorganic waste, such as plastic water bottles, used cups and jars. The difference here is that we can easily recycle these types of waste.

Recyclable Waste

For organic waste, which consists of daily leftover food, it can be divided into 2 main types: leftover vegetables and meat/fish.
For leftover vegetables: You can use them as fertilizer for your home-grown plants or make a container for organic fertilizer…
For meat/fish: Because this type of waste has high nutritional value, it is difficult to use as fertilizer like vegetables. Decomposing this type of food creates an unpleasant odor, so instead, consider reducing the amount of meat/fish consumed to reduce the excess after each meal.

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