


Current Situation

Each year, new species continue to be discovered in the forests of Vietnam, such as the Elfin Mountain Toad and the crocodile lizard. However, according to Global Forest Watch (GFW), from 2001 to 2018, Vietnam lost more than 2.6 million hectares of forest, equivalent to a 16% reduction in forest area compared to 2000.

Vietnam's forests are facing many risks. Vietnam's timber exports are booming, doubling in value to $9 billion during the 2012-2018 period. Although this has created additional employment and improved the lives of thousands of forest households and local communities, Vietnam's wood processing industry has significantly impacted forest management and protection not only for Vietnam but also for neighboring countries like Laos and Cambodia. Additionally, agricultural development is also threatening pristine forest areas inside and around conservation areas, destroying important habitats for wildlife and depleting our valuable ecosystems such as clean water and air. Learn more.

There are several ways to contribute to forest protection:

  • Raise awareness and educate people about the role of forests and the importance of forest protection.
  • Enhance reforestation efforts and afforestation of barren hillsides.
  • Report illegal logging activities to authorities immediately.
  • Conserve electricity in daily life.
  • Support environmental organizations.